4 Fantastic Links for Cardboard Furniture Inspiration

19 Feb

photo credit creative commons license bakar_88

 We started spring cleaning since we had a very stormy weekend, and there wasn’t a whole lot else to do. The reason I am sharing this with you is because it became painfully apparent once again, that even if we clean till we are blue in the face it will only take about 5 minutes for some of our rooms will look like a hurricane hit them since we don’t have enough storage space.

Anyway, I started researching cardboard furniture and different methods of making it and will probably try to attempt some larger projects in the near future.

In the mean time, For you viewing pleasure here are 4 links to cool cardboard furniture inspiration:

Hours worth of drooling here  Inhabitat.com

 Apartment Therapy  no less drool worthy!

 Eco friend.com  has some great bookshelves that I love in this collection.

 Leo Kempf – all about his process  and materials.

One Response to “4 Fantastic Links for Cardboard Furniture Inspiration”


  1. Paper Mache Planter « upcyclingruth - April 28, 2012

    […] kind of unfortunate, because now that I don’t have it anymore, I need a big strong piece for the solar oven I need to build but can’t find anything but small and or flimsy). Even so, I still have a […]

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